0.4ΩDual SPDT Negative Signal Handing Analog Switch
Product Description
The TCS95228 is an advanced CMOS analog switch fabricated in Sub-micron silicon gate CMOS technology.
The part also features guaranteed Break Before Make (BBM) switching, assuring the switches never short the driver. The switches can handle negative signal down to -2V.
TCS95228 is offered QFN10L and MSOP10 package, which is ideal for small form factor portable equipment .
- Ultra-low RON is typical 0.4Ω @ VCC=3.3V
- Single supply operation from 1.65V to 5.5V
- Full -2V to VCCsignal handling capability
- High off-channel isolation
- Very low standby current
- Very low distortion
- Break-Before-Make(BBM) switching
- High continuous current capability is ±300mA through each switch
- Part No. and package